Monitoring and Verification

Monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) approaches are urgently required to quantify site and OAE approach-specific effectiveness and assure their longevity. Efficient OAE applications with minimal risks will likely involve relatively small changes in marine (carbonate) chemistry relative to baseline conditions, first noticeable at application sites with diluted effects downstream. For MRV, this requires the implementation of fit-for-purpose measurement systems, especially mobile and point-measurement sensor-equipped in-situ platforms, that are integrated with data-assimilating models and will enable real-time signal detection and attribution. MRV site-specific baseline conditions, including seasonal cycle and short-term variability, have to be established and integrated into the models prior to OAE.

We will develop an integrated yet flexible approach to MRV using a framework that combines direct field observation and regional-scale data-assimilative modeling. We envision an integrated MRV framework that combines state-of-the-art observing components and a suite of physical-biogeochemical models with data assimilation capabilities to achieve the best possible estimates of the state of the carbonate system before, during, and after alkalinity additions and for delivering verifications and assessments of alkalinity changes and carbon uptake.

Key questions are:

  1. What is the optimal combination of measurable parameters/tracers and models that suffices to address natural variability AND differentiate a perturbed signal due to OAE application?
  2. Which existing sensing/modeling/data-assimilation technologies can be used/adapted for MRV, and what further developments are required?
  3. How can observations and models inform each other and what are the spatio-temporal scales needed for successful MRV?
  4. What are the limits and uncertainties of MRV and how will they be quantified, mitigated and communicated?
  5. How can MRV be made both effective/accurate and economical/practical for widespread use?
alk-align diagram
Nested ROMS model for the first site in Bedford Basin, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
alk-align diagram
Examples of proposed measurement assets for use in Bedford Basin.